We explain why regulated and sustainable hunting is a part of the solution...

Our Mission

Jens Ulrik Høgh. Founder and CEO of Hunter's Voice.

Sustainable hunting plays a crucial role in nature conservation. As such, it is part of the solution to the current, serious, and interconnected global crises: climate change, biodiversity decline, and the resource crisis. Sustainable hunting also plays a positive role in the global economy, creating jobs, and there are many additional benefits of hunting in terms of healthy eating and exercise.

Unfortunately, the debate on hunting is highly polarized and characterized by factual errors and misinformation. The lines between hunters and animal rights organizations are sharply drawn.

Sustainable hunting as part of the solution is an overlooked perspective. This is problematic as there is an urgent need to find and implement solutions that work for people and the environment.

Hunter's Voice promotes the understanding of regulated and sustainable hunting as part of the solution.

Jens Ulrik Høgh


Proactive Communication

The public debate on hunting is stagnant and characterized by antagonistic discourses between hunting advocates and animal rights activists. There is often miscommunication and hate speech. We must react to misinformation. However, it is more effective in the long run to create a dialog on a factual basis that supports knowledge about hunting as part of the solution to the biodiversity crisis and related environmental crises. Many opportunities exist to communicate these messages, but most hunting advocates and organizations fail to recognize this. We consciously organize proactive communication around the good stories and the facts.

Dedicated campaigns

Dedicated campaigns are a strong way to communicate. Over the last few years, we have conceived and partly executed several. We have offered a huge black rhino bull to anti-hunting celebs at the same price the hunters were willing to pay (no takers). Then we offered ten Namibian giraffes at meat value (no takers) and, lately, an entire breeding herd of South African elephants for free (no takers). These campaigns reached millions of people worldwide and demonstrated the lack of alternatives to hunting. Our campaigns also inspired a Botswanan government campaign (20.000 free elephants for Germany) that reached 1.2 billion viewers/listeners/readers worldwide.

Specific communication services

Communication in the form of keynotes at events, panel discussions, events, conference material, corporate communication, SOME, exhibitions, and other content.

Media services

We handle press and media in response to inquiries or on our initiative, including drafting and following up on debate articles, participating in TV, radio, and podcasts, assisting journalists, and conducting related research.

Our Team

Founder and CEO

Jens Ulrik Høgh

Journalist, communication expert, and nature conservationist with 25+ years of communication experience in an international context. 
Comprehensive experience in advocacy and communication, including on behalf of the Nordic Safari Club and CIC. Founder and editor of several hunting magazines. 

Co-founder and CFO

Astrid Herdis Jacobsen

Expert and senior analyst with 30+ years of experience in international environmental policies, digital development and innovation, knowledge management, organizational transformation, and financial management. MA in Political Science. MA in IT and organisations.